Volcanic LandformsVOLCANIC LANDFORMSVolcanic landscapes contain diverse landforms. The most recognizable of these include volcano edifices, calderas, and lava domes. Each of these landforms can vary markedly in size, shape, composition, and eruptive history.

We shall look into two types of volcanoes: Shield volcanoes and stratovolcanoes.
1) Shield volcanoes:
- Broad, low-profile features with basal diameters that vary from a few km to over 100 km
- Gentle lower slopes, steeper upper slopes
- Low viscosity of basalt lava leads to their broad shape
Three-dimensional image of the Alcedo shield volcano on Isabella Island, Galapagos2) Stratovolcanoes:
- Also known as composite cones
- Gentle lower slopes, rise steeply towards the summit to produce an overall morphology that is concave in an upward direction.
- May contain several eruptive centres, caldera or amphitheatre as a result of a lateral blast.
Mt. Mayon